Personally, as your host -I do the 21 Day Reset four times a year. I can tell you from experience that this plan actually works. Food is information for every single cell in your body! I have never felt better, I have more energy, skin is glowing and my all around perspective on food & fitness has shifted, in a good way. I now have a workout and meal prep plan for when I travel, I genuinely know how important it is to drink water CONSISTENTLY and fasting on occasion can do wonders for your body & cell regeneration. Lastly, I've really learned to not let culture design my life, thats my job and I'll create how I want to live it. 

I absolutely love what I do & I HIGHLY recommend THE 21 DAY RESET. For more information, please double click on "holistic nutrition" in the navigation menu.


  • What an incredibly positive and rewarding experience the #21dayreset was! I just completed my first reset and feel incredible!! I had several bad habits with food going into this and have really gotten my head around them thanks to the incredible direction and guidance of this plan. Jamie is a phenomenal guide who is so knowledgable, supportive, motivating and inspiring that she gets you through this valuable program with great success. Highly recommend and look forward to the next one!

    Andrew S. Cohen
  • 2nd Reset in the books! It’s truly amazing how much the quality of nutrition impacts your life, physically & mentally! – if you’re considering the reset, just do it – you absolutely will not regret the experience, strength & knowledge you gain! 💪🏼🔥

  • Just do it! Making yourself a priority and investing in your health & wellness is invaluable. I had been wanting to try this program for a few years and finally decided to go for it! I’m so glad I did. The program provides a holistic body and mind experience. It’s both challenging and so very rewarding. Jamie has created a program that will work for everyone and provides the guidance, support and resources for you to be successful during the 21 day program and beyond. I will absolutely continue with the program on my own and sign up for another reset in the future! “Do you believe in Unicorns”?!?!!!!!!! – Thank you Jamie, for everything! ~ Gina Marie

    Gina Martinez
  • This is my 2nd RESET and I absolutely feel magical! I’ve had such a great experience I plan to join again. Jamie’s method works, it’s sustainable long term and you learn so much as you go!

    ashleigh safier
  • Do it! If you need a mental boost, do it! If you need a physical boost, do it! If you want to get up with energy, mental clarity, and feeling amazing in your clothes, do it! Jamie has created a program that is unique and extremely special. It works! It’s not easy at first but it’s simple!!! Jamie -you changed my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ready for reset #3.

    Eileen Alkabes

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